90 Day Fiancé’s Ashley and Jay Go Toe-to-Toe at “Tell All” Over Tinder Use

The cast members of TLC’s 90 Day Fiancé season six have made many questionable decisions (including, but not limited to marrying somebody you barely know in just 90 days), like Jay Smith, who downloaded a dating app just days after his wedding to Ashley Martson. He was caught when one of the women he was talking to tried to FaceTime him.

Ashley confronted him about it and he tried to gaslight her, saying if she had enough love for him she’d get over the fact that he was talking to and inviting other women over. Ashley had her turn to confront him, now it’s time for the other cast members to tackle the subject at the first part of the 90 Day Fiancé “Tell All” reunion.

“It was just a mistake,” Jay tells Fernanda Flores in the clip above. “I wasn’t going to have no one come over to the house.”

This doesn’t cut it for Fernanda—and Ashley. “What happens when you’re at your ‘seven-year itch,’ when you’re having trouble. Then what do you do? If this is what you do three days after you got married, what do you do when you actually are having troubles in your marriage? Because as far as I was concerned, we weren’t having any issues,” Ashley says.

As far as Ashley was concerned, there were no issues, she went into the marriage confident. Jay, for his part, continues to dig himself in deeper it seems.

“It was just a misunderstanding,” he says. “And I wish I could go back and fix it. I would do any f—king thing just to fix it.”

Ashley wonders how downloading an app and engaging in conversations with other women was a “misunderstanding.” “You f—ked up. Take it on the chin. Simple. Just don’t even try to defend yourself because you sound like an idiot,” she tells him in a heated exchanged in front of the other couples.

Jay says his big mistake wasn’t opening the account, it was engaging in conversation, which he says he did because he has no friends and Ashley is always on her phone.

“Listen. It said, ‘Tinder, meet friends,'” he says.

As for Ashley’s response, well, watch the video above.

90 Day Fiancé‘s confrontation-filled reunion kicks off Sunday, Jan. 6 at 8 p.m. on TLC.

via:: E! Online