Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham Reveal Sex of Their Baby

Arie Luyendyk, Lauren Burnham, Instagram

Jennifer Griffith/@griffithimaging

Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham are overjoyed to reveal they are expecting a baby girl!

The former Bachelor, 37, and his fiancée, 27, made the big announcement to Us Weekly by sharing photos of their magical gender reveal photo shoot. In the adorable photos, pink smoke surrounds the reality stars as they hold matching pink balloons. 

This confident proclamation of their child’s sex was hardly the experience the parents had when they went to the doctor for the big reveal. Arie and Lauren were actually told they were having a boy when they performed an early gender test online, which made for a slightly confusing planning process. “The ultrasound tech says, ‘Well. I’m about 98 percent.’ So I still wasn’t convinced after the first time we saw it,” the star explained. “We went back to the doctor, went back a few other times and just went back for our anatomy scan. It’s definitely a girl!”

Throughout the whole process, Lauren was able to find the humor in the situation and was “cracking up the whole time,” but Arie was apparently “in shock.”

After the confusion wore off both of the stars were relieved to know they would be having a girl. Lauren said, “I’m feeling a lot more confident in being able to be a girl mom first!”

Fans of the season 22 pair will be able to have a look into the couple’s pregnancy journey since they said they filmed a “gender reveal special for The Bachelor.” 

And, their January 12th Hawaiian wedding is just around the corner. The pair held a joint bachelor party in Las Vegas in November and are more than excited to finally walk down the aisle.

Luckily, they will have a few months to fully enjoy life as newlyweds before their little one arrives sometime in June.

Congratulations to the couple!

via:: E! Online