Disney Channel Star Garrett Clayton Is Engaged

Garrett Clayton, Blake Knight

Amanda Edwards/Getty Images

Garrett Clayton is engaged to Blake Knight!

The 27-year-old actor, who starred as Tanner in Teen Beach Movie, revealed on Thursday that he and his longtime love actually got engaged a year ago. Alongside a series of beautiful engagement photos, Clayton told his Instagram followers that Knight proposed during a trip to Iceland.

“It’s been 1 year since @hrhblakeknight asked me to marry him in Iceland on the most beautiful trip and the most beautiful day of my life to date,” Clayton wrote. “I’ll never forget your face in that moment when you got down on one knee. Love, nervous, and excited (Obv, I was going to say yes) all rolled into the love of my life. Everyday with you is filled with joy and laughter. (even when we get heated every night over who has to get out of bed to turn off the hall light).”

“8 years! In a little over a month it’ll be 8 years together,” he continued. “Those being packed full of ups and downs. (90% ups) I’ll always be thankful that you walked into my 24 hour restaurant when I first moved to LA. I was a waiter aspiring to be an actor. You were an assistant aspiring to be a writer. Now look at us! Living the dream together.”

“Finding the strength in our unity with the loss of Orion. To finding out on my birthday in the dirty parking lot behind the restaurant I worked at (at that time) that I lost my first big job / cut to you holding me later that night whipping away my tears and telling me it was only the beginning. You’ve never faltered in being a supportive, loving, stubborn, sensitive rock in my life,” Clayton concluded his post. “Here’s to another 100 years of traveling the world, stealing your socks and loving our babies, whether their dog babies or actual babies. I’ll love you forever. Happy anniversary, my darling.”

He then added, “P.s. I’m getting my scarf out of my face in the engagement photo. Not clutching my pearls.”

Congratulations to the couple on the exciting news!

via:: E! Online