Jenna Jameson Felt “Sexy AF” Before 80-Pound Postpartum Weight Loss

Jenna Jameson is on her health and fitness grind for herself. 

The retired adult actress, who gave birth to her third child in April 2017, has been focusing on her own wellness for the past year and chronicling her progress on social media. While she’s lost 80 pounds and is proud of her results, the 44-year-old star also had an empowering message for her many followers along for her journey. 

“Truth. I thought I was still sexy af in my before pic. I was right,” she captioned a before-and-after post featuring identical poses. “My weight loss was never about pleasing society. Yours shouldn’t be either. It’s about health, it’s about keeping up with our kids, it’s about longevity. So stay sexy out there, but strive for health!”

It’s a message she’s continued to spread on her Instagram account with other before-and-after photos and tips to lead a healthier life. 

“Things that have helped me lose weight-I stopped snacking. I allow myself to get hungry. I walk to where I need to go. I stop eating when I’m satisfied. Intermittent fasting between 6pm-11am. Purged my kitchen of all processed foods. I don’t feed my family processed food. I barely EVER eat out. I accept that slow progress is PROGRESS,” she wrote in a December post. “I take progress pictures to motivate me. I only shop the perimeter at the market. I consider eating as nourishing not as a reward. I adjust my food according to how my body is reacting. If I am stalled, I eat less calories or cut dairy. Most importantly, I treat myself with love and patience.”

Ultimately, the star is feeling great—but it’s not all about the number on the scale. 

“2018 was a transformative year for me. I awakened health wise, I shed half of me and I celebrated 3 years #sober,” she wrote to fans on New Year’s Eve. “2019 is going to be even better, I can feel it! My beautiful daughter will be turning 2 and able to express her self better (I’m so excited for her to talk). I also have so many business irons in the fire that I can’t wait to share with y’all. My Poshmark is absolutely my passion (link in bio) and its only growing! Thanks to you guys Well, let’s all wave bye to 2018 and welcome in a beautiful new year! I love you.”

via:: E! Online