My Big Fat Fabulous Life’s Whitney Thore Has Her World Rocked By a Disturbing Crime

It happened on her own turf, which made it even worse for Whitney Thore: The My Big Fat Fabulous Life star had her touring RV vandalized outside her own house.

“I went outside to get the mail and saw that somebody had f—ked up the side of the RV,” Thore says in the exclusive clip above.

A vandal spray painted “Fat bitch!” over Thore’s face, which adorns the side of the vehicle she used to tour with Big Girl Dance Class. The image was also made to say, “Follow big girl ass!”

Thore’s pal Buddy had been staying in the RV, but was not there when she discovered the vandalism.

“The funny thing is, this crossed my mind that something like this might happen on tour, but I didn’t expect this and I didn’t expect it in my safe place,” Thore says in the clip above.

E! News recently spoke to Thore about putting so much of herself out there on reality TV, including moments like and last week when she opened up about her desire to start a family.

“It’s easier, I think, than people might think because I know my crew very well and we’re close, and a lot of them have been with me for multiple seasons, and so in that way—that’s something the audience would never see—it doesn’t feel as invasive because I actually know these people,” Thore told E! News. “But, yeah, it can still be difficult, and at the same time I kind of know that’s what I signed up for. So, if I ever wanting to be vulnerable, I just remind myself to just go with it.”

My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs Tuesdays, 8 p.m. on TLC.

via:: E! Online