Pamela Adlon on Picking Up the Better Things Pieces Without Louis C.K.

After the New York Times piece about C.K., Adlon released a statement and said, “Hi. I’m here. I have to say something. It’s so important. My family and I are devastated and in shock after the admission of abhorrent behavior by my friend and partner, Louis C.K. I feel deep sorrow and empathy for the women who have come forward. I am asking for privacy at this time for myself and my family. I am processing and grieving and hope to say more as soon as I am able.”

“There were an extraordinary amount of people who were affected,” Adlon said.

Between them, C.K. and Adlon wrote all 20 of the Better Things that made up the first two seasons. Now, for the third season, Adlon, who has an Emmy for voicing Bobby Hill on King of the Hill, had to assemble a writer’s room for the first time. “My mind was being cracked open every day in a new way,” she said of the experience working with her new team of, Sara Gubbins, Joe Hortua, Robin Ruzan, and Ira Parker.

Adlon told Vanity Fair change is the theme of the upcoming third season. “Change is extraordinarily good,” she said.

FX released the first teaser for the third season that is very Better Things-y. See it below.

Adlon’s series returns Thursday, Feb. 28 at 10 p.m. on FX.

via:: E! Online