Stephen Curry Doesn’t Believe the Moon Landings Actually Happened

Stephen Curry

Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images

Stephen Currymay be a basketball pro, but space is another story. 

During an interview on The Ringer’s Winging It podcast, the 30-year-old famed Golden State Warriors point guard unexpectedly questioned our history of landing on the moon. Joined by hosts Vince Carter, Kent Bazemore and Annie Finberg and fellow guest Andre Iguodala, the group was chatting about how we know what kind of sounds dinosaurs made before Curry asked, “We ever been to the moon?”

After some voices responded “Nope,” Curry continued, “They’re gonna come get us. I don’t think so either.” (Listen to the bite at 46:45.)

Naturally, the comments did not go unnoticed and raised some public eyebrows, particularly among the space community. “Steph, so much respect for you, but re the moon landing thing, let’s talk,” retired astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted at the athlete. “DM me.”

Meanwhile, NASA invited Curry to come take a look at the proof in Houston. 

“There’s lots of evidence NASA landed 12 American astronauts on the Moon from 1969-1972. We’d love for Mr. Curry to tour the lunar lab at our Johnson Space Center in Houston, perhaps the next time the Warriors are in town to play the Rockets,” NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said in a statement, according to CNN. “We have hundreds of pounds of Moon rocks stored there, and the Apollo mission control. During his visit, he can see first-hand what we did 50 years ago, as well as what we’re doing now to go back to the Moon in the coming years, but this time to stay.”

As for whether or not Curry will take NASA up on their offer, he tweeted out a sunglasses emoji—whatever that means. 

via:: E! Online