This School of Rock Cast Reunion Will Make You Feel Super Old

The band is getting back together.

Okay, so the School of Rock band is not really getting back together, but they did reunite over the holidays.

It’s been over fifteen years since the cast filmed the Jack Black movie, so they decided to get together again for old time’s sake. And, boy, does time fly! Gone are the baby-faced kids and in their place are full-fledged adults. Seven of the cast members bunched together for a photo in a New York City bar, where they caught up over a round of beers and snacks.

Not everyone was able to make it to the reunion in New York City though. iCarly‘s Miranda Cosgrove was noticeably missing, as well as a few others. 

Nonetheless, the crew made the most of their time together and made sure to share their reunion to social media. 

Zach Infante, who played Gordon in the film, wrote on Instagram, “Fifteen years later and our #schoolofrock family is still together. Love to all our fam making moves across the country.”

Likewise, Becca Brown, who is known in the movie as the sassy bassist Katie, shared the photo and made a punny joke about their gathering. “We had a mini reunion and it rocked,” the actress joked. 

The tight-knit crew appears to have kept in touch over the years. Two of the young cast members are even dating! Caitlin Hale (Marta) and Angelo Massagli (Frankie) seem to have started dating in early 2018 and their relationship is still going strong. 

While most of the School of Rock cast seem to be acting or performing in some capacity, others have chosen new career paths. Most notable is Caitlin, who appears to be working towards a degree in the medical field. 

Now, in the words of Mr. Shneebly: “I will see you cats on the flip-flop later!” 

via:: E! Online