Timeless Series Finale: Who Died, Who Saved the World, and Who’s Finally Together?

Timeless has officially ended, but not without a few last epic adventures. 

Rufus is, of course, alive again, and all it took was for Flynn to sacrifice himself by breaking the timeline rules and going back to end up being Jessica’s murderer after all. That took her out of the timeline, and suddenly it was Rufus rushing in to save his pals from being turned in for a reward. To him, Chinatown never even happened. 

Flynn, however, ended up going back to 2012 to look after his family, and Agent Christopher confirmed he had died. And that one stuck. 

Emma was pissed about losing Jessica, so she took the time team to war, literally. She jumped back to Korea in 1950 and ensured they would all die in the war. They would have, if Connor Mason and Agent Christopher hadn’t appealed to Lucy’s dad. He got Emma to lend them the mothership, and they all showed up just in time. Emma was the only one who didn’t make it back, meaning at least that version of Rittenhouse is dead and gone, even if she had just promised Lucy she could get her sister back. 

Her death allowed the whole team to finally get some down time. Rufus asked Jiya to move in with him, in an actual home, and Lucy and Wyatt finally got together officially, with no dead secretly evil wives to get in the way. 

The mothership was immediately destroyed, but Agent Christopher saved the lifeboat, just in case. 

Cut to 4 years later, in 2023. Lucy’s teaching an American history course about only women in history, and she and Wyatt have two adorable twin girls named Flynn and Amy. 

Jiya and Rufus started Riya Inudstries and did well enough that Jiya was signing autographs for young kid scientists, and they all got back together one last time to take the lifeboat out once again for one last mission, back to 2014 to visit Flynn in a bar in Brazil to make sure everything happened the way it was supposed to. 

It worked, and to celebrate, we got a montage of lots of kissing, which was great

But there was still one final scene to go: a teen girl, working hard in her room with a notebook full of time machines. 

We didn’t want it to end, but we gotta say that was a pretty good way to go. 

Timeless aired on NBC. 

E! and NBC are both part of the NBC Universal family. 

via:: E! Online