Who Won Survivor: David vs. Goliath?

One of the best seasons of Survivor ever has come to a close. 

In the end, it was a David who prevailed, despite a final five of all Goliaths, and it felt pretty correct. Congrats to Nick Wilson

Kentucky lawyer Nick secured his place in the final three with two immunity wins, leaving the rest of his fellow castaways to scramble. They switched between getting rid of Alison and Davie and Mike, and Angelina was making (totally useless, bad and weird) fake idols just to fool and embarrass Alison, but in the end, there was no beating Nick, even if Mike got a good showing of votes from Christian and Alison and Kara. 

Once he got that second immunity and officially made it into the final three, Nick did the correct thing and took Angelina with him. Angelina thought it was because she had persuaded him since she’s “a closer,” but it was really just because the jury was never going to vote for Angelina, no matter how much rice she reminded them she got or how many 100 foot 8 foot ladders she climbed to get idols she didn’t actually need. 

Gabby did some nice and kind pointing out of how hard it is to be a woman on this show and how differently you’re judged, which is true. But Mike was also correct earlier on in the show when he called Angelina a cruel psychopath, in terms of gameplay. Nothing she did made a whole lot of sense and as a result, she got zero jury votes, but boy was she entertaining. 

At the reunion, Christian and Gabby revealed they’re still friends despite their blindside, and Nathalie spoke out about how she felt she was portrayed badly and inaccurately throughout the season. Jeff didn’t agree, and no one else thought they were portrayed badly, so we kinda have trouble believing her. 

Jeff Probst also revealed the theme of next season, though we don’t yet understand it. It features mostly new players, but also four returning players, including Joe Anglim from Worlds Apart and Cambodia, and Aubry Bracco from Kaoh Rong and Game Changers. It’s called Survivor: Edge of Extinction, and according to Jeff, it’s taking things to the next level, whatever that means.

Survivor will return in the spring on CBS. 

via:: E! Online