“Your Clock Is Ticking!” Watch Nikki Bella’s Family Take Her Love Life Into Their Own Hands

Nikki Bella is “fully single,” but is she ready to mingle?

On this week’s all-new Total Bellas, the WWE star headed to New York with twin Brie Bella and the rest of their family for SummerSlam. While Nikki was eager to just focus on her appearance at the pay-per-view event, her family saw the trip as an opportunity to jump start her love life.

During an outing to a park, Nikki’s brother J.J. Garcia tried to convince the wrestling maven to chase after a potential suitor. When the Bella Twin refused to flirt with any of the men in the park, J.J. not so subtly reminded Nikki that she’s “ticking.”

“I just find it so annoying; from J.J. and other people who bring up the fact that like, ‘Hey, your clock is ticking!'” Nikki expressed in a confessional. “I get my age, I get that I’m single. I am damn proud that right now I’m doing things for me.”

Unfortunately for Nikki, this wasn’t the only attempt at a fix up by the Total Bellas family.

In fact, while enjoying cocktails with Brie and J.J., mom Kathy Colace decided to scour the bar for a date for Nikki. It didn’t take long for Kathy to spot model Andre at the hot spot.

After grilling Andre about his personal life, Kathy invited him to a “fun family dinner”—and he accepted the invitation. “Poor Andre! She’s literally asking him personal questions…and questions you don’t even ask people on a first date,” Brie noted to the Total Bellas camera. “Leave it to my mom.”

Understandably, Kathy’s husband John Laurinaitis expressed outrage after learning a stranger would be joining them for dinner. “I can’t believe you did that,” the WWE producer remarked. “You don’t know anything about him! You meet him for three hours drinking and all of a sudden he’s gonna be your daughter’s future boyfriend?”

Realizing the misstep, Kathy defended that her “intention” was pure and revealed she just wants Nikki to “move on with her life.” Nonetheless, Andre was still coming to dinner as it was too late to uninvite him.

Thus, the family decided to lie to Nikki and tell her that the potential suitor is merely a “friend” of J.J.’s. However, Nikki “wasn’t born yesterday” and immediately got suspicious once Andre arrived.

“I feel like everyone’s staring at me,” Nikki quipped later on. “What do you want me to do? Jump on the table and make out with this guy?”

After learning that she was over 10 years older than the Brazilian beau, Nikki removed herself from the table for a chat with Brie. A “pissed” and “uncomfortable” Nikki had no problem laying into her twin as the step-up “ruined” her night.

“My family should know that the last thing that I want to do right now is be forced to meet someone and date them,” Nikki explained. “It’s like, let me do me. Let me love me for right now.”

Once seeing Nikki’s frustrated expression, Kathy apologized to both her daughter and Andre for making things “awkward.” This certainly lightened the mood as Nikki commended Andre for being brave enough to come to dinner.

Regardless, Nikki confirmed that she wouldn’t be pursuing Andre further.

“Andre is a very handsome man. He’s a heartthrob, I’m not gonna lie,” Nikki relayed. “Very handsome man, but no connection.”

 See everything else that went down on this week’s episode, including Brie’s boob job consultation, in the recap video above!

Watch a brand new episode of Total Bellas Sunday at 9 p.m., only on E!

via:: E! Online