Don’t lose your independence this Fourth of July.
The Colorado Department of Transportation will be running it’s Fourth of July DUI enforcement period from July 3 to 8, focusing on preventing impaired drivers from endangering themselves and others on the road. The enforcement period could include checkpoints, saturation patrols and an increased officer presence on the roadways.
There were more than 300 DUI arrests from 103 agencies during last year’s enforcement period. More than 570 impaired drivers were arrested during CDOT’s recent Summer Blitz DUI enforcement period.
“The Fourth of July is a time to celebrate our country and a day when we can enjoy the many recreational options that Colorado has to offer,” CDOT executive director Shoshana Lew said. “But holidays mean more people out on the road, which makes it important to be careful and make good choices about when to get behind the wheel. Impaired driving puts yourself and others in harm’s way.”