Marcus Sandberg, of Campbell Construction, makes final touches on a playhouse Thursday, June 27, in Dillon.
Hugh Carey / hcarey@summitdaily.com
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A playhouse built by MW Golden Constructors sits at Marina Park in Dillon on Thursday, June 27.
Hugh Carey / hcarey@summitdaily.com
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The Action Builder playhouse is delivered to Marina Park in Dillon on Thursday, June 27.
Hugh Carey / hcarey@summitdaily.com
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Marcus Sandberg, of Campbell Construction, makes final touches inside a playhouse Thursday, June 27, in Dillon.
Hugh Carey / hcarey@summitdaily.com
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Walter Briney, board president of the local Habitat for Humanity, takes measurements of a playhouse Thursday, June 27, ahead of the public exhibit in Dillon. The Playhouse Project will be on display for six weeks before each house is sold to the highest bidder. The proceeds will go to the Family and Intercultural Resource Center’s affordable housing program.
Hugh Carey / hcarey@summitdaily.com
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DILLON — Five playhouses built by local builders will be on display near Lake Dillon for children to explore from June 28 to Aug. 9. The houses are part of the Playhouse Project, a public art exhibit and fundraising effort put on by the Summit Daily News, Summit Association of Realtors and town of Dillon.
A ribbon cutting for the Playhouse Project is at 11 a.m. Friday, June 28, at Marina Park in Dillon. Snacks and drinks will be provided for children.
After being on display for six weeks, the playhouses will be sold at auction with the proceeds benefiting the Family and Intercultural Resource Center’s affordable housing programs.
The playhouses were built and donated by Habitat for Humanity, PCL Construction, MW Golden Constructors, Campbell Construction and Action Builder.
Learn about the project, bid on a house or vote for your favorite at PlayhouseProjects.org.