Courtesy Joshua Aho
FRISCO — Constant panting, lethargy, anorexia are a few signs your pet might be struggling to acclimate to Summit County’s high altitude, according to Dr. Danielle Jehn, of Frisco Animal Hospital.
“If a dog presents in any type of respiratory distress, we place them on supplemental oxygen, check their heart and lung sounds, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and ability to oxygenate,” Jehn said in a Friday blog post.
She also said common canine ailments — such as heart murmur, asthma, anemia and more — are exacerbated at altitude, much like in humans.
The animal hospital also sees laceration and abrasion injuries from hikes that are too long, such as 14ers.
“I would also love to be able to tell all tourists to take it easy on their canine counterparts while visiting us in Summit County, as well,” she said in the blog post. “Altitude sickness is real for humans and dogs, alike.”
Read more about animals at altitude at HighAltitudeHealth.com/2019/08/02/dogs-at-altitude.