Fitness Trail: Torch those calories with a three by three

If time is in short supply, try this three-by-three exercise program that may be performed just about anywhere and takes only 21 minutes to complete.

Perform the program two to three times a week on non-consecutive days. As always, prior to beginning any exercise program, consult your physician.

For all positions, the head and neck are a natural extension of the spine, shoulders should be rotated back and down, rib cage lifted, navel pulled toward the spine, pelvic floor pulled up and in, and the knees relaxed. For the circuits, perform each three times followed by a 60 second break between circuits.

Warm-up — Repeat these three exercises three times each in succession.

• Bird Dog – kneeling, right arm/left leg, then repeat to the other sides – 12x each side.

• Glute Bridge – supine, lifting hips toward the ceiling and hold 15 seconds, 2x.

• Squats – sitting the hips back as though you are sitting into a chair; weight in the heels; torso elevated throughout, then return to the standing position and repeat 12x.

Circuit One — Three times through – 120 seconds each circuit – no break between rounds.

Station 1 — Goblet Squats — performed with a kettlebell or dumbbell with a moderate to heavy load — as you squat, hold the kettlebell or dumbbell up by the chest as though you were going to “drink” from a goblet — 30 seconds.

Station 2 — Pushups — modified or full or from an elevated stable surface — 30 seconds. 

Station 3 — Side Bridge — modified from the elbow bottom knee down or up; or full bridge with legs staggered or stacked — both sides — 30 seconds each.

Circuit Two — Three times through — 120 seconds each circuit — no break between rounds.

Station 1 — Jumping Jacks — classic high impact or low impact, tapping feet out to the sides, right and left arms following — 30 seconds.

Station 2 — Triceps Pushdowns with back lunge — tubing tethered — moderate gauge tubing tethered to a stable anchor above the head, facing anchor — one hand on top of the other inside both handles, arms by the sides of the torso, arm pits closed, elbows flexed 90 degrees; place a gliding disc (or paper plate) under the right foot, allowing the right leg to “lunge” or glide back, back heel elevated, body weight predominately in the front heel, keeping the front knee over the front heel as you push the arms down from the elbow joint to full extension/repeat — 30 seconds and repeat other leg for 30 seconds.

Station 3 — Mountain Climbers — full plank position held alternate knees in toward the chest — no piking hips toward ceiling — 30 seconds.

Circuit Three — Three times through – 120 seconds each circuit – no break between rounds.

Station 1 — Supine leg curls — stability ball — lying supine, heels on top of the ball, ball against buttocks, lift hips toward the ceiling, hold and extend the legs out and in, curling the heels toward the buttocks — 30 seconds.

Station 2 — Knee Tucks — stability ball — lying prone, abdomen on the ball, place hands on the floor, roll out until the thighs are on the ball, tuck the knees under the hips and then extend the body back out to plank/repeat — 30 seconds.

Station 3 — Stationary Lunges w/rows – tubing anchored– heavy gauge tubing anchored to a stable anchor above the head facing anchor – row the arms back as you lunge down toward the floor/repeat – 30 seconds each leg.

Jackie Wright is the owner/manager of Mountain Life Fitness in Granby. Reach her at or via email at