Frisco schools briefly went into lockout Tuesday after safety concern

Schools in Frisco briefly went into a lockout due to safety concerns on Tuesday morning, according to a statement from the Summit School District.

Summit County Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons said the situation originated as a weapons call in the Walmart parking lot off of Summit Boulevard in Frisco, and ended in a traffic stop near Miner’s Creek Trail. The Frisco Police Department was also involved in the incident, though no arrest was made. Schools came out of lockout within 30 minutes, according to the school district.

Students and teachers are required to return indoors and stay in the building during a lockout, though classes continue as normal.

In their statement, the school district encouraged parents to speak with their children about the importance of reporting safety concerns to their parents, school officials or law enforcement. Students can also anonymously contact Safe2Tell at 1-877-542-SAFE (1-877-542-7233), or at

via:: Summit Daily