I wanted to take a moment to express my regret and offer my apologies to the Summit County community.
Over the winter, I had a run-in with Summit County police, and my story became quite popular in the county. I had been arrested for theft of various ski equipment.
Living in Summit County, locals can easily take the culture for granted. That sense of safety and freedom is what draws people to the mountains — knowing that in the summer your tent will be safe set up in your camp while you hike the neighboring hills, that when the bike rack is full you can lean your bike against the rail and it will be there upon your return. In the winter, we all leave our boards and skis stacked in racks at the base of the run. This is the culture of the mountain, and local and tourist alike enjoy this freedom of living. This culture and freedom is what I did the most damage to.
I am deeply sorry to anyone that trusted in the safety of Summit County and found their belongings missing. I know that for many, besides the financial cost of the item, it ruined the vacation that you had planned. That is something that I am unable to return to you, and I truly am sorry for that. For the community, I took the trust, safety and reputation offered in Summit County, and I broke it. That is something that cannot be measured in a financial amount, and I hope that my apologies will at least make an impact. With breaking that sacred trust, I have lost my chance to live in the paradise that I called home for so many years.
I am sorry.