Every Fourth of July, we celebrate the courage, bravery and wisdom of our Founding Fathers and what they did on America’s first Fourth of July. Under the certain death sentence for treason, everyone gathered in the Philadelphia courthouse knew exactly the terrible consequences for attending a meeting such as this one.
The most important man-made document the world had ever known was being written in this small room. The declaration’s heart and soul was the 37 words in the opening.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Thanks to the wonderful courage and wisdom of our Founding Fathers, the revolution was a miraculous success.
America will have a very dangerous and difficult time in the coming months. Our Judeo-Christian founding philosophy of our God given right to life and our culture of life is being destroyed by an invincible ignorance of right and wrong, good or evil, truth or falsehood. Some of the political elite are calling for a culture of death with abortion for the unborn and even for those born alive and physician assisted suicide. These tragic assaults on human life have brought all the evils of complete government control of the human condition as experienced in Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea and, recently, Venezuela.
Until 1973, when Roe v. Wade made abortion of human children a legal procedure, America protected human life in all ages and in all conditions. We have a chance to now return to the culture of the love for life by selecting leaders capable of leading us back to a nation of freedom and love for all humans. So help us God.