Being able to legally drive is incredibly important for Colorado families. A family without a car is hindered in so many ways. Especially in rural communities, it means they can’t commute to work farther than they can walk or bike, they have to live wherever they find a job, regardless of rent affordability, and they can become stranded in emergency situations. While undocumented Coloradans have been legally able to obtain driver’s licenses since 2013, many were unable to access these licenses due to a shrinking number of Department of Motor Vehicles offices able to process the unique licenses. Thankfully, this is no longer the case.
With the recent passage of Senate Bill 139, the number of DMVs able to process licenses for undocumented Coloradans now has been raised to up to 10. Access to additional locations allows more Coloradans to have a DMV within a manageable distance and benefits all Coloradans.
Workers that can access this license will have a more reliable and safe way to get to their jobs, families will be more financially stable and able to bring more money back into our economy. Also, thanks to a greater number of licensed and insured drivers, our roads and families will be safer.
I am grateful for the hard work of our legislators who came together to improve the lives of all Coloradans and who sent the message that Colorado will do right by immigrant families — regardless of their immigration status — and that we can build a more prosperous future for our state together.