LARRY, 3 years, Domestic Longhair, orange and white, neutered male |
FRANKLIN, 4 years, Domestic Shorthair, black and white, neutered male |
MISS KITTY, 7 years, Norwegian Forest Cat, tortie and apricot, spayed female |
CATALONIA, 7 years, Domestic Shorthair mix, white and gray, spayed female |
MR BISCUIT, 7 years, Domestic Shorthair, gray tab and black tiger, neutered male |
PENELOPE, 2 years, Domestic Shorthair, gray tab, spayed female |
LEO, 5 years, Domestic Longhair, orng tabby, neutered male |
DEXTER, 5 years, Domestic Mediumhair, black and white, neutered male |
BOBO, 6 years, Domestic Mediumhair, dil calico, spayed female |
GAMORA, 12 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, black, spayed female |
YONDU, 4 months, Domestic Shorthair, black and white, neutered male |
DRAX, 10 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, white and gray, neutered male |
SNOWFLAKE, 2 years, Snowshoe, seal point, neutered male |
MAX, 4 years, Domestic Shorthair, black and white, neutered male |
ROMEO, 2 years, Domestic Shorthair, black and white, neutered male |
ALLY, 10 weeks, Domestic Mediumhair, tortie, spayed female |
MOSA, 10 weeks, Domestic Mediumhair, orange and cream, neutered male |
LILY, 1 year 1 month, Domestic Shorthair, white and orange, spayed female |
NUTMEG, 4 years, Domestic Shorthair and Manx mix, tortie, spayed female |
ANOUK, 9 months, Domestic Shorthair, brown tabby, spayed female |
DIXIE, 8 years, Domestic Shorthair, brown tabby, spayed female |
MIMI, 1 year 11 months, Domestic Shorthair, brown tabby, spayed female |
PUPPET, 1 year 2 months, Domestic Shorthair, gray and white, neutered male |
DARTH, 5 years, Domestic Longhair, black, neutered male |
RICKY, 2 years, Domestic Shorthair, black, neutered male |
VIVIAN, 11 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, tortie, spayed female |
BLOSSOM, 1 year, Domestic Mediumhair, white and gray, spayed female |
VINNIE, 11 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, brown tabby, neutered male |
VALOR, 11 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, gray tab, neutered male |
VELCRO, 11 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, black, neutered male |
VANCE, 11 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, orng tabby, neutered male |
VIOLET, 10 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, tortie, spayed female |
VERONICA, 10 weeks, Domestic Shorthair, brown tabby and orange, spayed female
WINSTON, 10 years, Border Collie and Australian Cattle Dog mix, black and white, neutered male |
JEWELL, 2 years, Border Collie, black and white, spayed female |
COFFEE, 2 years, Pomeranian and Chihuahua – Smooth Coated mix, brown, neutered male |
KEYANA, 10 years, Greyhound and Siberian Husky mix, black and gray, spayed female |
NELLIE, 3 years, Chihuahua – Smooth Coated and Dachshund mix, black and white, spayed female |
GEORGE STRAIT, 5 years, Australian Cattle Dog, blue merle and red, neutered male |
SAM, 7 years, Pit Bull Terrier mix, black and white, neutered male |
KEELEY, 3 years, Australian Kelpie mix, brown and white, spayed female |
CHANCE, 5 years, Boxer, tan and black, neutered male |
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