Elaine Collins / Summit Daily reader
BRECKENRIDGE — The Colorado Lottery presented a Starburst Award on Wednesday to the town of Breckenridge in conjunction with its River Park project grand opening, according to a news release.
The award recognizes excellence in the use of lottery proceeds in community projects that are implemented to enhance the environment.
River Park integrates natural features, landscape and vegetation in addition to a playground with woodcarvings, nature-based play structures and climbing towers, according to the release. The park also has picnic areas, a pavilion, restrooms and an ADA-accessible fishing landing.
Phase 1 of the $1.6 million project, which was completed last year, was funded by a $350,000 Great Outdoors Colorado grant. Another $350,000 GOGO grant is earmarked for Phase 2.
Since 1984, Summit County has received nearly $11 million in lottery proceeds, including $6.5 million from the Conservation Trust Fund and more than $4 million from GOCO, according to the release.