Steamboat man summoned to court after killing a moose calf with a pellet gun

A Steamboat Springs man has been issued a court summons after shooting several moose near his home in January, killing a calf. District Attorney Brett Barkey hopes the court case encourages people to contact Colorado Parks and Wildlife for help in dealing with wild animals rather than take matters into their own hands.
File photo / John F. Russell

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — A Steamboat Springs man has been issued a summons to appear before the Routt County Court in June on suspicion of shooting a moose with a pellet gun and killing it near his home over the winter.

Michael Osterman has been charged with reckless endangerment, unlawful possession of game and careless hunting, all misdemeanors, according to a news release from District Attorney Brett Barkey. 

The charges date back to Jan. 9, when Osterman allegedly used a pellet gun to shoot a cow moose and two calves, killing one of the calves. Barkey said the incident occurred on private property in the vicinity of Osterman’s residence, but Barkey would not divulge further details until the case has been resolved.

The case is the first of its kind for Barkey, who could not recall hearing of such an incident making its way to the court. He hopes it serves as motivation for people to reach out to Colorado Parks and Wildlife for help in dealing with wild animals rather than taking matters into their own hands.  

“Our position is shooting a high-velocity pellet gun is not the appropriate way to handle it,” Barkey said.

As the community grows and encroaches further into wildlife habitats, he expects people will have more interactions with moose, bears and other animals. 

“Citizens should seek and heed the guidance of the professionals at Colorado Parks and Wildlife for the appropriate way to handle these interactions,” Barkey said in the news release.

Osterman’s court case is scheduled for 9 a.m. June 12 at the Routt County Justice Center.

To reach Derek Maiolo, call 970-871-4247, email or follow him on Twitter @derek_maiolo.

via:: Summit Daily