Summit Daily letters: Chipping program a service we should be thankful for

Chipping program a service we should be thankful for

I am totally astounded that someone (Marina Larson, in her May 21 letter) would actually complain about the free chipping program for Summit County in 2019. While rarely supporting our three commissioners, I think the program has been modified in good judgment for this year.

Last time I looked, the first pick up begins June 17, fully a month to prepare. Of course, there must be a first location, so get out and get busy. And, if you can’t manage a 10-foot log, get some help, or hire a professional. It’s every property owner’s responsibility to keep their property in fire mitigation condition. The fact that the county is offering a free pick should be looked upon as a gift, not a right. Perhaps this writer is upset that the program did not include silver platters to place her piles on!

Most importantly, I believe the program sets an example of how important maintenance of homeowner property is, and last year’s piles are a perfect example. Please take advantage of this program or hire your own contractor. There are many great companies in Summit County.

Robert Feuerriegel


E-bikes don’t belong on the recpath

I’m glad there is at least one other person with common sense who believes that recpaths are not a good fit with e-bikes. My greatest concern is not with the older folks using them, but those large, inexperienced family groups from the front range, many with no helmets, all emboldened with e-bikes, not riding single file, charging up Vail pass with kiddie carriers wobbling behind them. The path between Copper and the top of the pass is narrow, steep, with tight curves, and is not meant for either inexperienced riders or motorized travel.Those going downhill will encounter these groups (we’ve all seen them) and collisions will be inevitable. It’s too bad that our County Commissioners ignored the repercussions (or should I say concussions?) that are bound to happen on that stretch, and many other sections of the recpath.

Jackie Moberly


Mamula’s comments on 5G are misplaced

Mayor Eric Mamula’s comments about 5G antennas in Breckenridge are sadly ill-informed and misguided. To say, as he does that “the FCC doesn’t give a crap about anything other than this fight with China” shows a lack of knowledge about federal communications goals and FCC processes. I’ve worked in the communications industry and cellular services specifically for more than 20 years. Congress decreed in the Communications Act of 1934 that an advanced communications system by wire and radio was the goal of our nation.

Do we really want our wireless services to be second rate? Apparently the mayor doesn’t care. Antenna placement and local zoning have always been a flash point since cellular’s emergence in the 1980s: customers want coverage but don’t want large antennas in their neighborhoods.

Usually the carriers and local governments work things out to everyone’s satisfaction. The picture in the paper is a worst case scenario and probably an exaggeration by those opposed to new advanced services. More likely than placing antennas on poles in the sidewalks, carriers will place antennas on buildings and camouflage them. And Breckenridge’s character will be preserved.

James Tuthill


via:: Summit Daily