Members of the Summit County Rescue Group help to evacuate an injured hiker on the Willow Creek Trail System west of Silverthorne on June 26, 2019.
Courtesy Charles Pitman / Summit County Rescue Group -
Members of the Summit County Rescue Group help to evacuate an injured hiker on the Willow Creek Trail System west of Silverthorne on June 26, 2019.
Courtesy Charles Pitman / Summit County Rescue Group
The Summit County Rescue Group helped to evacuate an injured woman who fell while hiking west of Silverthorne Wednesday afternoon.
At 1:10 p.m. the rescue group responded to a call regarding an injured hiker on the Willow Creek Trail System, near the intersection with the Mesa Cortina Trail, according to a release. Dispatch was notified about the incident by phone, though a member of the woman’s hiking party also activated a satellite-tracking device.
The hiker fell and sustained serious but not life threatening injuries, and was evacuated by wheeled litter to the Willow Creek Trailhead — an operation that included a paramedic, EMT and 10 additional team members. Rescue group spokesman Charles Pitman said the woman was transported to Summit Medical Center in Frisco via ambulance.
“We are starting to see an increase in the number of people in the backcountry,” said Pitman in a written statement. “The snows are continuing to melt just in time for the upcoming holiday week and the backcountry will become increasingly enticing. Today’s injured hiker was someone who is from Summit County and is an avid hiker, knows the trails, was properly equipped and was hiking with a group.
“Visitors can take a lesson from this group in how they should prepare to go into the mountains. Equipment, personal conditioning and weather all play a part in leading to a safe and enjoyable outing. But on occasion accidents can and will happen, so hikers need to be prepared for that potential.”