This Week in History: Rich ore struck in King Solomon Mines in Frisco District

This week in history as reported by the Summit County Journal 100 years ago.

Recent tests on ore mined by the Leadville Leasing Syndicate, from the West 11 vein of the King Solomon Tunnel and Development company’s property on Royal Mountain at Frisco, have shown high values and the outlook for heavy and rich production is considered excellent.

“Boys on street after 9 p.m. may not sleep at home,” say police

Curfew will ring every night at 9 o’clock and any boy under 18 years of age, says Marshal Stuard, ‘caught on the streets after that hour without good cause, will not sleep at home.”

This statement was made immediately following a juvenile session in County Judge Fall’s office last Wednesday attended by six boys who had been summoned on a charge of tearing up a garden belong to Miss Agnes Adams.

Thomas Everet to operate placers on Farncomb Hill, preparations completed

Thomas B. Everet of Denver, who has taken a lease on the Gladstone and Pontoon claims on Farncomb hill, visited in town yesterday, and reports having completed all details for treating the large dumps on these properties.

William T. Myers arrested for “highgrading” at Gold Dredge

William T. Myers, an employee of the Powder River Gold Dredging company which operates what is known as the “Yuba” dredge north of Breckenridge, was placed under arrest last Tuesday on a charge of stealing gold amalgam from the dredge.

Amalgam was found in boots which had been worn by Myers and arrest followed. Myers claiming that he had been the victim of a “frame-up”.

Placer that yielded 416 ounce nugget may be re-worked by J.D. Dennings

J.D. Denning who has the record of taking out the largest gold nugget from the placer in McNully gulch near Robinson, arrived in Breckenridge last Monday and declares his intention of going after more of the large gold nuggets which he believes abound in that gulch.

The Breckenridge Heritage Alliance is a nonprofit founded to promote and protect Breckenridge’s unique heritage. They offer year-round tours and hikes. Go to or call 970-453-9767.

via:: Summit Daily