Randy Wyrick | randy@vaildaily.com
EAGLE — A Vail woman charged with throwing herself in a dumpster and trying to frame her ex-husband for it has borderline personality disorder, her therapist said Wednesday in court.
Jennifer Glynn is a licensed clinical social worker and said she has been Linnea Hayda’s clinician for the past five years, meeting for weekly sessions. Hayda has a history in her records of bipolar disorder, Glynn said.
“She is diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder and post- traumatic stress disorder,” Glynn said Wednesday afternoon on the sixth day of testimony in the trial. Jury selection took two days.
PTSD is recurring flashbacks and panic attacks, Glynn said. Hayda met that criteria because of her “significant trauma history” beginning in her early childhood.
Borderline personality disorder is a pervasive and “non-curable personality pattern of intense fear of abandonment,” Glynn said. They’ll often want to get out of relationships or stay in bad relationships, Glynn testifed.
Hayda was found in a Vail dumpster in an early morning of March 27, 2018. She claims her ex-husband abducted her from an Avon parking lot after work, hit her, put a plastic garbage bag over her head and threw in a dumpster about 200 yards from an apartment where her ex-husband was living with their two children.
Vail police and prosecutors say none of that is true and have charged Hayda with false reporting, tampering with evidence and attempting to influence a public official.
Hayda’s part of the dumpster incident could stem from her rocky relationship with her ex-husband, Glynn said.
Several criteria define borderline personality disorder. Glynn said Hayda falls into five:
- Dissociative disorder
- Multiple suicide attempts
- Emotional instability anxiety
- Multiple relationships
- Fear of abandonment
Juror questions
Colorado is one of three states that allow jurors to ask questions during trials. The questions are written and handed to a judge. The jury in Hayda’s case has been especially inquisitive, peppering witnesses with questions after the attorneys are finished.
A juror asked, “Is making self-serving accusations a characteristic of borderline personality disorder?”
“It can be,” Glynn said.
PTSD is not a criminal defense, Deputy District Attorney Johnny Lombardi said Wednesday.
“When someone diagnosed with PTSD violates the law, they should be incarcerated. Correct?” Lombardi asked.
“Correct,” Glynn said.
The digital examination of Hayda’s phone found dozens of internet searches for news stories related to the incident, Tim Rhodes, a computer forensic technician and deputy with the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office testified.
Hayda texted a woman named Felicia 33 times, Rhodes said.
Among the text messages was one in which Hayda wrote: “(Hayda’s ex-husband) did this to me and he’s walking free.”