Writing workshop Aug. 10 at Rocky Mountain National Park

The Rocky Mountain Conservancy will offer the writing workshop, Write Your Rocky Mountain National Park Story, with Mary Taylor Young on Aug. 10. 

The class could be perfect for anyone who’s working on a story, a memoir, a poem, or even a children’s book. Through the class, participants can seek guidance from Young, who will help them brainstorm and structure their work to be its best. 

The class will meet up at the RMC Field Institute, 1895 Fall River Road, in the morning, and participants will be supplied with writing prompts and sample writings to help them get started. 

Each participant should bring writing materials, layers, sunscreen, a sack lunch, rain gear and something to sit on in the field during the later portion of the outdoor workshop. 

The instructor for this course is a long-time Colorado resident who has extensive experience writing about Western wildlife, cultures and landscapes for 30 years.

She is a best-selling author and wrote the book, “Rocky Mountain National Park: The First 100 Years,” which details the park’s rich centennial history since its inception. In addition to her 17 book publications, Young has also written hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles for various outlets, including the Rocky Mountain News. 

Go to RMConservancy.org or call 970-586-3262 to reserve a spot in this class, learn more about the RMC Field Institute or view additional courses.