Billie Lourd and Leslie Grossman Take Us Inside Their American Horror Story-Born Friendship

Leslie Grossman, Billie Lourd


American Horror Story has a way of forging friendships, sometimes unexpected, most times delightful. Just look at Billie Lourd and Leslie Grossman.

Lourd and Grossman first worked together on American Horror Story: Cult, and have continued to be by each other’s side in AHS: Apocalypse and AHS: 1984.

“She’s my favorite! It’s real! She means everything to me. She is my sanity, she is my light, she is my joy, I love this woman so much. We didn’t really get to work together that much in Cult, and then in Apocalypse when we got cast as best friends, it was kind of like serendipity,” Lourd told E! News at the American Horror Story 100th episode celebration.

“So, ever since then, we’ve just been best friends. I live in her trailer, she lives in my trailer, we’re on the phone for, like 2 hours every day after work. You know, we’re together for 16 hours a day, and then we talk for 2 hours, it’s like we love each other that much,” Lourd continued.

Despite being years apart in age, Lourd said, at her heart, she is Grossman.

“I am basically Leslie in my heart. Maybe on paper I am 27, but in my heart, I am however old Leslie is. I’m not going to reveal her age, because she is my best friend! She is just my spirit animal!” Lourd said.

Grossman said the “best part” of being on American Horror Story are the friendships.

“And these are not bulls–t, this is real,” Grossman said. “And I think that translates to the screen, that love and excitement we have about being together, I think is part of the magic of the show. I think you feel it. If [Lourd] cries, I cry.”

Even just talking about Lourd can make Grossman emotional.

“I remember we were at work and we were on a set where she was stuck on the stairs, and we were stuck on the stairs together to make an entrance, and we had all this time to kill talking, and within one minute I was like, ‘Whoa. This is an incredible, special, brilliant person.’ Billie is covered in star shine, I mean all over the place, but she is her own special shining star. Billie is a force,” Grossman said, tearing up. “I love her with all my heart. I feel incredibly protective of her, and just really lucky that I have gotten the opportunity to spend so much time with her. It’s rare, it’s rare that you meet your soul people at work. She is my person, and I am very, very lucky.”

See the two best friends on American Horror Story: 1984, Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on FX.

via:: E! Online