Miley Cyrus’ Near Death Experience on a Plane to Glastonbury Will Freak You Out

Miley Cyrus, Ashley Too, 2019 Glastonbury Festival

Ki Price/Getty Images

Just because you’re famous don’t mean you’re free of frightening plane rides.

Recently, Miley Cyrus joined her family, management team and band on a flight to the U.K. for the Glastonbury Festival.

While they ultimately reached their destination in time, it was a bumpy ride to say the least.

“Our plane tried to land twice and had to come back up because there were other planes in our way,” Brandi Cyrus shared on the latest episode of Your Favorite Thing Podcast with co-host Wells Adams. “Out of nowhere, as we’re landing, we swoop back up and like bang to the left and turn. It feels crazy.”

According to Brandi, Miley and their mom Tish Cyrus started “losing their minds.” As a result, the flight got a bit dramatic.

“Miley’s in my lap, my mom’s holding my hand across the aisle and nobody is telling us what’s going on,” Brandi shared. “A full five minutes go by and we’re clearly going all the way back up and they finally come back and tell us, ‘No need to panic but somebody was in our lane in the sky and we were going to hit them.’ That’s terrifying to think about.”

And just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, it happened again.

“After 10 minutes of circulating us around, they go back to land again—same frickin thing happens!” Brandi shared. “My mom starts crying and goes, ‘If we die, Noah is alone’ and freaking out. I’m trying to hold it together for everybody.”

“It was really crazy,” the DJ added. “If I didn’t have to be the strong person in the group, I would have been scared but my mom and Miley were really losing it. It was pretty insane.”

And for those wondering, Miley was able to perform at Glastonbury Festival’s Pyramid Stage where she covered songs from Metallica, Led Zeppelin and Amy Winehouse.

Just a typical trip for a true rock star!

via:: E! Online