Your Favorite Toy Story Characters Assemble to Save the Day in New Sequel Trailer

Toy Story 4


Once again, Woody, Buzz Lightyear and their famous friends are assembling to save the day. 

With the fourth installment of the Toy Story, well, story due to hit theaters next month, fans of the franchise will get to reunite with the beloved toys on their latest adventure. This time, it involves a few new characters, including Forky, formerly a utensil and now a toy thanks to their new owner, Bonnie.

As to be expected, trouble inevitably strikes when Forky gets lost on their family road trip and it’s up to the iconic crew—Bo Peep, Rex, Jessie, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head and more—to get him back to where he belongs. 

As Woody confidently proclaims, “Let’s go save a spork.”

Of course, it won’t be an easy feat. Their wild ride involves navigating a theme park as sticky situations and new faces, like Duke Caboom, arise. 

But, don’t take our word for it—see for yourself in the new trailer above!

Toy Story 4 hits movie theaters on June 21. 

via:: E! Online