Canon City 3-point barrage downs Glenwood girls

By Josh Carney Nine of Canon City’s 12 first-quarter points came from beyond the 3-point line Friday night, giving the Glenwood Springs Demons’ girls basketbal team a glimpse of what was to come inside Chavez-Spencer Gymnasium.
As the Tigers heated up from deep, hitting 10 3-pointers in the game, the Demons struggled to take care of the ball and hit shots much of the night, resulting in a convincing 52-34 win by the Tigers over the Demons in the Demon Invitational semifinal matchup, pushing Glenwood Springs into the 3rd place game against Coal Ridge Saturday morning.
“We knew they had a bunch of 3-point shooters coming into the game and they liked to run, and they didn’t disappoint,” said Rhonda Moser, Glenwood Springs’ head coach.
The Demons did a good job of keeping pace with the Tigers in the first quarter as senior Emily Worline hit a 3-pointer from the left corner, senior Ximena Gutierrez hit two free throws, and senior Sequoia Kellogg hit a jumper, making it 9-7 Tigers late in the first quarter. A late 3-pointer from junior Kate Tedquist stretched the Canon City lead to 12-7 after one quarter of play.
Despite the strong start to the game for Glenwood, things got off track for the Demons in the second quarter as turnovers, missed shots, and Canon City 3-pointers sent the Tigers into the half with a 26-11 lead.
Trailing by 15 points coming out of the half, Glenwood looked to get back on track by turning to junior Qwynn Massie in the paint. The physical junior scored two quick buckets to make it an 11-point game, giving the Demons some momentum.
“I thought Qwynn did a really nice job for us there,” said Moser. “It’s still early in the season, so we’re trying to find that rotation.”
As Massie got going in the paint, the Tigers caught fire again from 3-point range as freshman Madelyn Ley hit back-to-back threes, making it a 34-15 game before Worline hit a putback shot in the lane making it 34-17. Worline went on her own 10-0 run in the middle of the third quarter after the putback by hitting a layup in transition and back-to-back 3-pointers, but the senior’s hard work fell by the wayside at the end of the third quarter as Canon City sophomore Emma Rowe and Tedquist hit consecutive threes, pushing the Tigers’ lead to 44-25 heading into the final quarter of play.
Midway through the fourth quarter Glenwood senior Logan Nieslanik hit a jumper to make it a 20-point game , but Canon City senior Ellie Till answered with a 3-pointer and a layup on consecutive possession, making it a 54-28 game. Glenwood closed out the game with two free throws from junior Kate Shanahan and two free throws from sophomore Graci Dietrich, dropping the Demons to 2-3 on the season.
In the loss, Worline led the Demons with 13 points, while Gutierrez added 6 points before fouling out. Canon City junior Jerika Moore led the Tigers with 18 points, while Tedquist …read more

Via:: Post Independent