Carbondale calls for volunteers

The Carbondale Emergency Task Force is looking for
volunteers to help out with the community’s work supporting seniors and others
who have to quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The task force wants volunteers who can deliver meals to at-risk individuals and the elderly, through either the Carbondale Recreation Center or Valley Meals and More, a nonprofit partner.

Currently, Valley Meals delivers 27 meals on Tuesdays and
Thursdays in Carbondale, but with more people stuck in quarantine, they expect
demand to increase.

Other volunteers could help by making care calls to check in
with high-risk individuals over the phone.

The Carbondale Rec Center is providing a number of services
to those in quarantine, including assistance obtaining medications, dog walking,
meal delivery from restaurants with takeout, and emotional support.

Those in need should call the Rec Center’s hotline at 970-510-1292.

task force also is looking for volunteers who can contribute their expertise in
areas of health, economy, strategic communications,
human capital, finance, technology, advocacy, and crisis response.

via:: Post Independent