Eagle County Sheriff: For some families, the holidays are not a time of celebration (column)

By James van Beek Eagle County becomes magical during the holidays, from the village in Vail to the incredible displays across ranches downvalley … the snow, the skiing, the lights, the music, the movies (yes, “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie), the parties, the shopping — it can truly be the happiest time of year. Whether celebrated as a sacred religious occasion or a secular cultural holiday, the focus is on family, friends, good food and community celebrations.
Have you ever looked around and the sheer enormity of holiday events had the opposite effect? Has the stress of shopping, being around family that often made you wonder if you were adopted, preparing meals when exhausted, even though you preferred a pizza, and the sound of one more Christmas song brought on thoughts of “The Shinning” rather than Rudolf?
While we all have moments of being overwhelmed, for some it runs much deeper. The holidays are a time when our focus is on showing our appreciation of those around us, getting together with people whom we may think of often but may not have an opportunity to visit and, of course, a celebration of the innocence of children, beginning with the one in a manger.
However, with all of this focus on “It’s a Wonderful Life,” for some, this attention is on all that they may feel they don’t have. Walking through Vail and nearby communities, we look like something out of Central Casting, yet for some, things may be far from ideal:
Family issues, including recent losses; health concerns which may have cost them every bit of savings they’ve earned; business and other financial setbacks, causing neighbors to struggle for food behind closed doors, too embarrassed to ask for help, some even worried about keeping heat in their homes; many have children.
For these families, the holidays are not a time of celebration. What do they say to the child who believes that Santa brings presents to all good children? Come Christmas morning, when the tree is bare, are they left to believe that they are simply not good enough? While friends excitedly open presents, parents with broken hearts tell them that there may not even be enough for dinner that night.
In fact, the huge focus on happiness and family may cause some to delve into a feeling of hopelessness, which is why this season is one of the highest for depression and suicide. Please be mindful that there are those within our community who are struggling just to keep it together. Let’s make a conscious effort to include them in our festivities. A small gesture could truly save a life.
While some areas are too complex for the Sheriff’s Office to remedy, there is one area that we’ve got covered: Shop with a Cop.
Holiday magic arrives at Eagle County two days this week: In Eagle, on Thursday, Dec. 6, with the help of the Eagle County Sheriff’s Office, Eagle Police Department, Colorado State Patrol, Greater Eagle and Gypsum fire protection districts and sponsored by 4 Eagle …read more

Via:: Vail Daily