The whole point of visiting, or even living, in the Vail Valley is to have fun, enjoy your time and make the most of each mountain moment. There’s no need, doctors agree, to put your life on hold even if you’re not feeling the best, or you have a chronic condition.
Take American Renal Associates’ Kidney Center of the Rockies. With sweeping views of Beaver Creek as the sun pours in through the giant windows, it’s set up to remind people who need dialysis they are on vacation and should take advantage of all the Vail Valley has to offer.
“One person in particular made my heart feel good. He said for the first time in ten years he was able to come with his family on vacation. They were skiing and he was able to come with them [and receive treatment], those are the kind of moments that warms my heart,” said Wanda Trudeau, clinic manager.
Kidney Center of the Rockies is the only dialysis center from Grand Junction to Denver. Wanda adds that this center is second busiest in the world for travelers.
Those with less chronic conditions, such as the symptoms of altitude sickness, are also encouraged to make the most of their vacation, says Dr. Doug of Alpine Mobile Physicians. First off, don’t rest for a few days — it takes six weeks for your body to create more red blood cells to deliver oxygen. And don’t drown yourself in trying to drink water — sip electrolyte drinks. Nausea comes with altitude sickness. Pounding water only makes that sick-to-your-stomach feeling stronger.
“I don’t tell them to rest, they are just cutting their vacation short,” says Dr. Doug, who makes house and hotel calls and fields many questions about altitude sickness. “They can have a couple drinks, they are here for vacation! In my opinion, telling somebody to rest and don’t do this or that, well, that’s ridiculous because they are here to enjoy their trip.”
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Medical-grade oxygen is the solution to that queasy altitude-sickness feeling. He’ll deliver it to your door, while encouraging you to feel better so you can enjoy the rest of your time in the Vail Valley.
“The practice of medicine is an art. It’s a science to apply the correct knowledge to an individual,” Dr. Doug says.