Letter: Close Seventh Street to through traffic

The Seventh Street brick paving and landscaping is looking absolutely beautiful! Today, as I walked along the interesting brick patterns being laid, I had to stop and tell the artisans how wonderful it all looked. They were very grateful to hear that. Smiling people were walking every which way with strollers, bikes, dogs, wheelchairs and such. It was a beautiful summer sight.

Then I realized that this fabulous tapestry will soon be ruined by cars driving over it, spewing gas and oil and fumes, completely spoiling the beautiful landscape of a pedestrian mall/park.

Why are we spending all this money on Seventh Street, only to ruin it by allowing traffic to drive on this beautiful and expensive area? Yes, emergency vehicles can certainly drive on it if there’s a need. That’s a plus! Yes, there are hotels and a train station, but Cooper and Blake both lead very close to these businesses. Delivery trucks can use the alleys. There will always be exceptions, and that is important to accommodate. I urge the city to close this area to through traffic and not ruin what we paid so much to create.

Michele Diamond
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent