Letter: Open for oil and gas business

Another election cycle is over and I just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who got out and voted to oppose Proposition 112. Thankfully the proposition to increase the required oil and gas setback to a half-mile failed. I am grateful that Coloradans saw this for what it was, an attempt to ban oil and gas development and run the industry out of our state.
The industry has been operating safely in the state for more than six decades. Colorado is home to the industry, and it’s truly a shame that out-of-state activists continue to force their agenda on our citizens in an effort to ban a business that has been and continues to be good stewards of our environment, good neighbors, and has financially supported countless improvements to our state. From education to outdoor recreation, oil and gas has been an integral part of Colorado’s foundation.
I wish I could say the fight is over, but that’s just not the reality. As Coloradans we need to stand together and continue to let our voices be heard at the Colorado State Capitol and at the ballot box. Coloradans have spoken — the Rocky Mountain state will remain open for business to the oil and gas industry.
Keira Bresnahan
Grand Junction …read more

Via:: Post Independent