Letter: Thanks for the ‘other side’

Thank you Glenwood Post Independent for publishing Michael Reagan’s opinion, “Don’t blame Border Patrol.”

I have found in my 64 years on this earth that the statement, “there are always two sides to every story,” is true. His opinion brought up the “other side of the story.”

It was very refreshing to read something positive spoken of President Trump, our president of this United States of America that we elected to be our president. 

Do you just suppose that our president has our best interest in mind when he says he is trying to make America great again? Do you just suppose that his stance on abortion, religious freedom, immigration, putting Americans back to work, Israel, etc., just might be the right thing to do?

The first rule in rescuing others is “check out the surrounding situation and make sure the circumstances are secure,” otherwise two people drown, not just one, for example.

I’m all for rescuing people, but at what expense? How many people/children in America need help? Let’s not be deceived, we have some serious problems in our country.

If America crumbles are we going to be capable of helping anyone else or will we just become another country that needs help also.  Let’s put our hand to the plow, pray, become “One Nation Under God” once again so we can rescue others.

Kristi Gill


via:: Post Independent