Letter: The Episcopalians already have a Sunday meeting called “The Gathering”

I read with great interest Melanie Molloy’s Dec. 26 letter announcing a new Sunday option for community fellowship and support. As a local parish priest and longtime resident in our community, I applaud and welcome Molloy’s efforts under the Eagle River Youth Coalition’s umbrella. Any opportunity to bring people together in a mutually supportive and safe environment has my full support.

But since our church, the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, has advertised a Sunday afternoon reflective worship event called “The Gathering” for almost a year and a half now, may I gently recommend that this new effort be retitled so we don’t cause unnecessary confusion and conflation of purpose? While many good jokes persist which include the words “Episcopalian” and “non-religious” side-by-side, we don’t want to prove the rule of unintended consequences. Thank you and every good wish upon your work.

Rev. Brooks Keith

Edwards, Colorado

via:: Vail Daily