Vail Symposium winter lineup

By Daily staff report The Vail Symposium is known for bring thought-provoking, creative discussions to the Vail Valley throughout the year. They’ve just announced their winter lineup with programs beginning Thursday, Dec. 6, and running through April 2019. The schedule is still being finalized so some programs and dates may change, but here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming events:

Thursday, Dec. 6: Palliative Care and Medical Aid in Dying: Putting the Person First at the End of Life
When faced with terminal illness, there are few avenues for those who are contemplating the end of life, but palliative care is one option. Palliative care is not hospice—it is patient-family centered care that decreases pain and symptoms, eases suffering and increases survival for patients when offered early in people contending with serious illness. Unfortunately, palliative care is a limited resource in many community settings. In this presentation and panel discussion, healthcare professionals from the Front Range and the local community will provide an overview of palliative care and present information about Medical Aid in Dying.

Monday, Dec. 10: 12.10.18 Chasing Denali: The Sourdoughs, Cheechakos, and Frauds Behind the Most Unbelievable Feat in Mountaineering
In 1910, four gold prospectors summited North America’s tallest mountain in a single day, using little more than donuts and rudimentary equipment. Their journey is the starting point for the history of mountaineering on Denali—but were they telling the truth? Join Vail Syposium as Jon Waterman unravels the mystery in a presentation about these unlikely climbers that blends adventure and history and brings the story to life.

Thursday, Jan. 3: Turbulent Times: Turkey’s Role in the Middle East
Turkey has once again been making headlines with Erdogan’s rise to power, its focus on a stronger Islamic state and the exposure of the Saudi Arabian murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Once lauded as a model for the Islamic world from a western perspective, the growing tensions with the United States and Europe raise significant questions about the future of the Turkish relationship and its role in the greater Middle East. In this program, Kemal Kirisci will provide a balanced view of Turkey’s historic and future role.

Wednesday, Jan. 9: Increased Productivity and Decreased Stress: Better Life Balance is Achievable Through Time Management
Squeezing more hours out of your day is not always possible. Are meetings and emails weighing you down? Are you perpetually procrastinating or finding yourself sucked down the hole of the internet? If your workload is growing and you constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed, then this is the program you need to attend. Presented in conjunction with the Vail Valley Partnership.

Thursday, Jan. 10: In Deep: Bill Steele’s Journey to the Hidden World Beneath Our Feet
Bill Steele explores the unexplored—the vast underground reaches of cave systems snaking underground throughout the world. Join Steele on a journey to the dark depths beneath the earth’s surface and discover the fascinating and unique sights found only there while learning more about caves as an important piece of our planet’s puzzle.

Thursday, Jan. 17: Fact vs …read more

Via:: Vail Daily