Worried about anthropogenic global warming? The super volcano will take care of that (letter)

That wascally super volcano in Wyoming has addled my brain. Fear, anxiety, sleepless nights, panic attacks — you name it. Plagued with angst, that’s what I am. Why, God? Why did you create that infernal inferno anyway? Talk about climate change, talk about carbon dioxide emissions, talk about major climate shift, talk about massive starvation. If that sucker blows, talk about one giant carbon footprint.
Talk? Communication? I’m obviously confused. This endless angst is fogging my thinking. I can’t assume anything. It’s possible that neural damage from the terrifying event could render the survivors totally incapable of anything more than incoherent mumbling.
I need to focus on calming myself. As they say, if you look hard enough, you can find good in anything. t least there would be no more worries about human-caused global warming — an end to the morass of climate-change predictions. Most likely survivors won’t even be able to recall Donald Trump, let alone blame him for the big blow.
Scratch my head! I can’t remember who that gal was who said it, but I was so moved by her wisdom. I think it was “what difference, at this point, does it make?” Once an event occurs, it’s no use dwelling on the pain. Once that big blast occurs, fear of human-caused climate change won’t matter one iota.

Aggie Chastain
Eagle-Vail …read more

Via:: Vail Daily