16 Best Memes About Rent Live, Which Was Mostly Not Live

There’s only us, and there’s only this…memes.

FOX’s production of Rent Live, based on the hit 1996 Broadway show about a group of New York City friends, including romantic couples and exes, living with and dying from HIV/AIDS, premiered on Sunday with some shocking news; most of the show would feature pre-recorded footage from the previous day’s dress rehearsal, as actor Brennin Hunt, who plays Roger Davis, had suffered a broken ankle during that taping.

Despite the lack of live performances, viewers tuned in to watch Hunt and the rest of the cast, which includes Vanessa Hudgens, bring on the nostalgia…and the tears.

And like with many airings of TV musicals, posted memes on social media.

1. Hudgens, who played Maureen Johnson, earned much praise…and a High School Musical shout-out…

2. In fact, High School Musical took center stage when it came to meme-ing Rent Live.

3. Seems that viewers were more into High School Musical

4. Jordan Fisher, who played narrator Mark Cohen, also earned much praise.

5. Not everyone was impressed by the chemistry, or lack thereof, between Roger and Mimi (Tinashe)…

6. Someone had a good idea for a drinking game…

7. No need to take a shot for this one!

8. People know keeping all the original lyrics was risky…

9. Some people were seriously upset by the changes to the beloved musical.

10. Some people wanted to see, you know…

11. Come on, you’ve thought about it…

(And Hunt’s injury did make it into the show, during a segment that was indeed live.)

13. And speaking of tragedies…(SPOILER ALERT)…

14. There was some shade directed at those who never watched the Broadway musical…

15. And the true Rentheads were there for one main reason…

16. Despite much criticism, Rent Live achieved what it set out to do.

No day but today, Rent forever!

via:: E! Online