Courtney Love, Frances Bean Cobain Granted Restraining Order Against Ex-Manager

A judge has granted Courtney Love and her daughter Frances Bean Cobain a permanent restraining order (PRO) against her ex-manager Sam Lutfi, the Blast reported Wednesday. Rolling Stone has confirmed the report. Love’s sister Jaimee was already protected under Monday’s ruling.

On Wednesday, the judge overseeing the case – who remembered Lutfi from his legal drama with Britney Spears in the mid-2000s– granted a five-year PRO in the case. A PRO typically spans three years, at which point it could be renewed, but given that Lutfi “seems to prey upon people,” as the judge noted, a five-year order was instead handed down.

In December, Love was given a temporary restraining order (TRO) against Lutfi. When the TRO was granted, Love accused Lutfi of harassing her and her family with emails, texts and phone calls in an effort to recoup money he alleges she owed him.

“The escalating verbal harassment and threats of Sam Lutfi left no choice for Courtney and her family but to seek protection,” Love’s attorney, Howard King said at the time. “The Cobains are grateful for the anti-harassment order issued by the Los Angeles Superior Court against Mr. Lutfi and the powers it provides law enforcement to assure that Mr. Lutfi terminates all contact with the family.”

Under the terms of the PRO obtained by Rolling Stone, Lutfi was ordered to stay 100 feet away from the three women at all times and barred from contacting them. Love’s ex-manager was also warned not to “make comments on social media” about the women.

Neither Lutfi nor a rep for Love immediately replied to a request for comment.

According to Jezebel, Lutfi served as Love’s manager since at least March 2012, roughly around the time Lutfi’s three-year-long legal battle against Spears and her family came to an end. In a book written by Britney Spears’ mother Lynne, she claimed that Lutfi secretly drugged Britney, cut off her means of communication and limited her mobility, effectively acting as her sole gatekeeper. Those accusations resulted in a defamation lawsuit filed by Lutfi.

In 2016, a lawsuit accused Lutfi of helping to orchestra the alleged kidnapping of Isaiah Silva, Frances Bean Cobain’s ex-husband and current owner of Kurt Cobain’s MTV Unplugged guitar.

via:: Rolling Stone