Lights On Her ‘Skin & Earth’ World: “There Will Also Be At Least One More Album”

There’s so much more of ‘Skin & Earth’ yet to be shared.

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Speaking to Rock Sound about her album ‘Skin & Earth’ which has turned into a multi-media world and narrative with a series of comic books and more, she also revealed that we haven’t seen the end of ‘Skin & Earth’ yet.

When asked what’s coming next from Lights, she shared “In terms of what I will actually create there will definitely be an arc of ‘Skin & Earth’ as a comic. There will also be at least one more album too. Who knows what after that because who really knows what is realistically going to happen next. There’s going to be more music and it will definitely be inspired by the things that I’m writing. The emotions and visuals when I’m writing and drawing as so fucking inspiring that I just want to write all about that feeling. It’s the complete opposite to how I was back on an album such as ‘Little Machines’ for example. I was sat on the sofa in my front room scared to go into where I had my recording equipment because I didn’t want to confront the fact that I couldn’t write. Now it feels nice to just be able to write.

She continued “On top of that I’ve started to tattoo a lot more. That’s something I would love to start doing on the road or open a shop or something. Then, a little weirder, we have plans to build a studio/bomb shelter. I’m a big prepper. I’m interested in the apocalypse and we only live 15 minutes from the United States so you just never know. So we’ve spoken to an …read more

Via:: Rock Sound