Lynn Gunn On Florence And The Machine’s Florence Welch: “I Think She’s An Artist In The Purest Form”

“I really appreciate her outlook on creativity and artistic process”

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Speaking to Rock Sound for her cover feature, Lynn shared that as a child she was inspired to create by Florence And The Machine, and that her understanding of creative ideas and creating art is shaped by that influence.

Lynn shared on who her biggest influence was growing up “I’d say my biggest – and she has been pretty much since I heard her record ‘Lungs’ when I was in high school – is Florence And The Machine. I think she’s an artist in the purest form and I really appreciate her outlook on creativity and artistic process and it’s very much her relationship with music and creating in general, whether it’s poetry or artwork or music is more, that what she’s making is bigger than herself and I think a lot of artists get it twisted, as if that the genius is coming from themselves and I feel like Florence’s perspective – and this is also very much my perspective – is that there’s something much bigger going on and we’re just little vessels for those ideas to come through.”

She continued “It’s about whether you’re tapped into a certain frequency for those ideas to come through. Sometimes you’ll get an idea and you’ll run with it, I always feel like that when an idea comes about. It doesn’t feel like it’s mine, it feels like it came from somewhere else and I’m like, ‘Okay I have to find the perfect way to construct this, mould it’. If it was a chunk of clay I’d have to find the perfect way to mould it into whatever it is and her philosophy is …read more

Via:: Rock Sound