Tom Delonge Has Hinted At The Possible Return Of Box Car Racer

2020 could be the year!

Back in 2001, Tom Delonge and Travis Barker started a new project called Box Car Racer. They released one self-titled album in 2002 before disbanding. A lot of the sound on that record would later translate on blink-182’s self-titled album too. 

There’s never really been a hint of Tom and Travis returning to the band, until now it seems. 

In our latest Video Chat we asked Tom about the band and whether there was possibilty of anything happening in the near future:

“A lot of thing that Angels & Airwaves has done, that people wouldn’t know unless they did a deep dive on the albums, is that there’s a lot of Box Car Racer in it. It was these big dynamics and these heavier parts and stuff that’s a little more emotional than what they would have known I’d done in the Blink era.

I love the Box Car stuff. Me and Travis still to this day talk about doing Box Car all the time. Maybe there’s something that already exists that would be really cool for that band, but I’m not getting into that here.”


You can catch up with the whole chat here:

And to get you reacquianted with the band, here’s “I Feel So’. What a song:


via:: Rock Sound News