20 Under 40: Michael Brack has a master plan

Michael Brack

Thinking about waste diversion, educating people about their local recycling options and finding ideal spots for solar panels are all in a day’s work for Michael Brack, assistant town manager for Fraser.

In his two years at Fraser Town Hall, Brack has been responsible for all of its sustainability measures, as well as providing “instrumental” insight, such as implementing an asset management program for the Public Works Department.

“He’s always willing to tackle new problems and opportunities, especially when they contribute to our sense of community and quality of life,” read Brack’s nomination. “We’re fortunate to have Michael on our team.”

What problem would you like to solve?

I want to help our community become more sustainably cognizant and explore new opportunities to lower our environmental footprint in ways that make sense.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself continuing to work in public service and community development.

Who’s your hero and why?

My wife is my hero. She inspires me everyday to be a better person and focus on what’s important.

Why did you choose Grand County? 

We’ve had relatives that have lived in Fraser since 1983 and just knew this was the lifestyle that we wanted for our family.

How do you like to play in Grand County? 

I enjoy mountain biking, skiing, motorcycling and doing anything outside with my family.  

What kind of future do you see for your industry in Grand County?

More involvement in renewable energy, waste diversion and attainable housing.

If you could change one thing about Grand County, what would it be?

Make the Fraser Valley a more affordable place to live for families with children and lower income. 

via:: Sky-Hi News