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Grand County’s summer events season is already getting underway and this weekend the fun can be found right in the middle of Middle Park with the quant community festival known as Hot Sulphur Days.
This Friday the charming mountain town Hot Sulphur Springs, the county seat of Grand County, will host the 55th annual Hot Sulphur Days. The weekends festivities kick off Friday evening with a free kids carnival at the Hot Sulphur town hall. The carnival will feature food concessions and a pie baking contest and sale. There will be teen specific activities and a free bingo event beginning at 7:30 p.m., also at town hall.
The action continues Saturday morning with the 8 a.m. flag raising ceremony at the Hot Sulphur Springs Fire Station, followed immediately by the popular ancake breakfast, also at the firehouse. The Pioneer Village Museum will begin offering free admission at 10 a.m. on Saturday with a historic presentation called “Cowboys and Trains” beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the museum.
One of the weekend’s most popular attractions, the Texas Charlie shootout reenactment, is set to begin at noon on Saturday at the intersection of Aspen and Grand. The Hot Sulphur Days Parade will immediately follow the reenactment. Following the parade the festivities will move to the Hot Sulphur Town Park for the Horseshoe tournament and the smokin’ barbecue lunch featuring ribs, chicken, pulled pork and more. The Red Dirt Hill Band will also be performing live music in the town park beginning at 12:30 p.m.
Beginning at 1 p.m. on Saturday will be a series of kids games in the town park including the greased pole contest and the firefighters challenge. Another cowboys and trains talk will be offered at the Pioneer Village Museum at 2:30 p.m. Later in the evening live music featuring the band Badwater will begin in the Town Park at 7 p.m. followed shortly thereafter by the Hot Sulphur Days fireworks show, set to begin at dark.
Hot Sulphur Days will wind down on Sunday with the town’s history walking tour. The tour is presented by Don Dailey and begins at the Pioneer Village Museum. At 10:30 a.m. the Sunday morning Church in the Park service will begin in the town park. The 55th annual Hot Sulphur Days will come to a close Sunday afternoon with a series of softball games in the Town Park.
For more information on the event, as well as a full schedule, check out the Hot Sulphur Days website at http://www.hotsulphurdays.com.