BLM approves permits for Kremmling events with minor stipulations

A golfer tees off from the cliffs above Kremmling while participating in a round of Cliff Golf. The BLM approved a special event permit for cliff golf this year but required the establishment of a designated parking area to reduce impacts on raptors that are nesting in the cliffs.
File photo

A pair of popular summer events in Kremmling will be moving forward this year albeit with a few additional restrictions from the Bureau of Land Management.

Each year the community of Kremmling plays host to several summer events. Two of the most popular events for the summer season are the town’s Cliff Golf tournament, held in mid-June, and the Fourth of July fireworks display, called Fire Up the Cliffs. Both events utilize a segment of federal land located just north of Kremmling that is managed by the Bureau of Land Management, more commonly known as the BLM. Both events require approval of a special event permit by the BLM that allows event organizers to hold the events on federal land.

Earlier this year officials from the BLM, a federal agency that is part of the Interior Dept., announced the agency had approved the two special event permits for Cliff Golf and Fire Up the Cliffs. The BLM approved both permits with additional stipulations regarding the location of the events and their proximity to several raptor nests that have been established on the segment of federal land that lies directly north of Kremmling.

“The primary concern for activities above the cliffs is potential disturbance to the raptors with active nests in the cliffs,” explained David Boyd, spokesperson for the BLM.

Boyd said that federal officials are aware of a golden eagle nest, a peregrine falcon nest and a prairie falcon nest all located in the cliffs above Kremmling. All three nests are occupied by breeding pairs of raptors and federal officials expect the nests to produce chicks. According to Boyd federal officials have been aware of golden eagle nests on the cliffs for several decades and have recorded prairie falcons nesting in the area many times in recent years.

“The peregrine falcons are new,” Boyd said. “We documented peregrine falcons nesting in there this year for the first time.”

Under the stipulations laid out in the permits approved by the BLM the Cliff Golf event will occur normally, though event participants will be required to park at a designated location away from the cliff area.

“Cliff Golf was permitted as it has been for several years, with the addition of a designated parking area away from the cliffs to reduce the overall footprint and the amount of disturbance near the cliffs,” stated Boyd. “Participants for Cliff Golf will register through the Chamber (of Commerce) and get directions from there. The parking is for participants.”

Likewise the special event permit for Fire Up the Cliffs was approved though federal officials are requiring the fireworks’ ignition area be moved to a new location. The BLM approved a permit that allows the fireworks to be shot off from a location roughly half-a-mile west of the traditional ignition zone. According to Boyd this is the second straight year BLM has approved the special event permit for Fire Up the Cliffs with the stipulation that the fireworks ignition zone be moved half-a-mile west of the historic location.

Boyd confirmed BLM is not considering adding any additional restrictions to the recreational activities allowed on the federal land north of Kremmling and that the stipulations added to the special event permits are the extent of BLM’s actions on the issue.

Boyd said the birds nesting on the cliffs typically take up residence in the spring each year, usually around early April. He added that the chicks from the nests are expected to fledge sometime in early to mid-July.

“We ask people during the nesting season to avoid disturbing them” Boyd said.

via:: Sky-Hi News