FRASER — Construction for the town of Fraser’s Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project on Highway 40 will begin Monday, which means drivers should be prepared for traffic restrictions and possible delays.
The $1.5 million Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project involves construction of traffic calming measures on the section of Highway 40 going through town to make it more walkable.
“The goal of this project is to create a safe and walkable downtown area to further Fraser’s unique sense of place,” a town of Fraser press release stated.
Construction will require single-lane restrictions that may slow traffic, but no detours or intersection closures are planned. Completion of the project is scheduled for late July.
According to the town of Fraser, construction will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays. At this time, no night or weekend work is expected.
Ultimately, the project will improve crosswalks and sidewalks, add seven medians, three pedestrian refuge islands and raised landscape bumps to make the area safer for walking.
The existing crosswalks at Park and Fraser Avenues will be upgraded and a third crosswalk will be installed at Byers Avenue. Although the project doesn’t involve widening the highway, it does include designating a left turn lane at Eisenhower Drive and Fraser Avenue.
Next spring, the town plans to landscape the new medians to improve their look. The town also has $10,000 budgeted for creative pedestrian crossing lighting.
While the project has a large price tag, the town will only be responsible for around $525,000 thanks to two grants from the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration totaling over $1 million.
According to Fraser Town Manager Jeff Durbin, the area was first identified for pedestrian safety improvements in the town’s Downtown Strategic Plan, which includes goals to make downtown Fraser more walkable and aesthetically pleasing.