Friday School begins in December this year

Great Happenings in East Grand Schools the week of Dec. 6.

• At the national cross country race Nov. 23, Mark Simmons, MPHS Class of 2016, raced to a 60th place finish. He ran a smart race overall and he passed 198 runners. He finished with a new 10k PR of 31.07.

• The MPHS Knowledge Bowl Team had its first meet of the season at North Park on Nov. 22. Participating schools included Steamboat Springs, North Park, and Rangely. Out of eight teams, Middle Park took second, fourth and fifth place. Our A team scored 105 points, second only to the Steamboat Springs A Team. It’s the first time we have scored over 100 points at a Knowledge Bowl meet in several years. Even our C team of two freshmen and two juniors took fourth place, beating out two other A teams at the meet.

• Fourth grade at GES will be participating in a SOLE Live Stream on Monday. We will have a Zoom meeting as classes and continue to learn about adaptations.

• Computer Science Week starts Monday. MPHS technology students will be participating in Hour of Code with an emphasis in Python. Try out what our students will be working on by visiting for free tutorials.

• Friday School will begin in December and have monthly themes this year. We will meet from 8:30-11:30 a.m. on Fridays at Granby Elementary. Call or email your school office if you wish to sign your child up. Friday School is designed for fourth through eighth grade students. During this time students will participate in Project Based Learning curriculum. Students will have a guest mentor from the community to kick off each project. Students will plan, design and create a project to help solve a problem that the mentor describes to students. At the end of every month students will present their work to the mentor and/or community member. Students will use technology, hands on materials, and other resources to support their learning and project making. This is a free opportunity. For questions, contact your school.

• Fourth-graders at GES are beginning their nonfiction unit. They are studying how to tell a story with pictures during Interactive Read Aloud and will begin their nonfiction writing unit in December.

• East Grand Middle School was recently awarded a $10,000 grant from the Nathan Yip Rural Education Partnership Program. Principal Jenny Rothboeck wrote the grant based on work completed by students and staff. Last spring East Grand Middle School (EGMS) staff taught multi-grade level, project-based learning classes. Seventh grade science teacher Rachel Kindsvatter and Courtney Lincoln, who leads district assessment and project-based learning initiatives, facilitated a class for students on how to best utilize former computer lab space. Students’ ideas ranged from a CO Industry Maker Space (ski tuning, snowboard waxing, fly tying, etc.) to a High Tech Maker Space (flight simulator, 3D printing, programming, etc.) to a Crafting & Creative Maker Space (art supplies, recycled materials, etc.). Kindsvatter will be leading a group of students who will be in charge of planning, designing and creating these spaces using these grant funds.

• ESCO, the main contractor for River Run/Smith Creek has donated many items of winter clothing, coats, hats, gloves and a few pairs of boots to our school and Mountain Family Center. Thanks to ESCO for helping take care of our students.

• First-graders at GES are learning about celebrations and traditions. Students will be interviewing their families to learn more about some of their traditions. Students will then prepare a presentation and share with their classmates.

via:: Sky-Hi News